
Walter Ayles Plaque to be Unveiled

A blue plaque to commemorate ILPer and conscientious objector Walter Ayles will be unveiled in Bristol on Sunday 17 April, exactly 100 years to the day since he was arrested for campaigning against the Military Service Act of 1916....

Salters Play to Tour London

Politic Man, Alison Mead’s play about pioneering ILPers Ada and Alf Salter, is all set to go ahead with performances lined up at venues across London in May and June....

Four Leaders to March Against Trident

Leaders from four political parties will join what promises to be the biggest mobilisation against nuclear weapons in a generation when they march from Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square on Saturday 27 February as part of a national demonstration against Trident....

Housing in Crisis: Still Time to Book

You have one week left to book your place at the ILP’s next Unbalanced Britain seminar, Housing in Crisis, to be held in Leeds on Saturday 5 March. The impressive line-up of speakers includes Dr Quintin Bradley, senior lecturer in planning and housing at Leeds Beckett University, Fabian Hamilton, Labour MP for Leeds North East...

Can Labour win in England?

England, Labour and the notion of a progressive patriotism will be under scrutiny at a series of high-profle seminars organised by Winchester University’s Centre for English Identity and Politics....

Ada Salter: Pioneer of Ethical Socialism

Graham Taylor’s fine biography of Ada Salter provides a vivid account of the ILP’s ethical socialism as she lived it, says BARRY WINTER. Ada Salter’s hands-on approach to making the world a better place is told with clarity and passion in Graham Taylor’s new biography of the pioneering ILPer. Moreover, Ada’s busy life is explored...