Arguments for public ownership did not start with Sidney Webb, nor end with Tony Blair, says HARRY BARNES. Once we create the conditions, we might be surprised at just how revolutionary our gradualism can become....
ILP@120: Katharine Bruce Glasier – The ILP’s Spiritual Socialist
History has often overlooked Katharine Bruce Glasier in favour of her more famous husband. But, as PAUL SALVESON shows, she was an inspiring figure who made an immense contribution to the socialist movement. Katharine Bruce Glasier was one of the most remarkable figures in the English socialist movement. She was one of the most popular...
ILP@120: John Bruce Glasier – Socialist Pioneer
An appreciation of John Bruce Glasier, written by Scottish ILP activist and social reformer MARTIN HADDOW in the 1940s. “What the socialist movement needs is a deepening of socialist life within – something that will exalt its faith and purpose, something that will suffuse it with the socialist spirit, rather than encourage lust for...
Veteran Campaigner Hetty Bower Dies
Former ILPer Hetty Bower, the veteran activist and peace campaigner, died earlier this month aged 108, just weeks after appearing on a panel alongside Labour leader Ed Miliband at Labour Party conference....
Mutualise the private sector, not England’s NHS
As the government pushes the ‘mutualisation’ of the NHS, Professor DEXTER WHITFIELD argues that all such transfers are privatisation....
Two-Thirds Hit by Cost of Living Crisis
David Cameron and George Osborne’s cost of living crisis is strangling households, according to an independent survey showing a drop in disposable income of £129 a month since May this year....
ILP@120: George Lansbury, the ILP and a Re-Imagined Labour Party
Labour MP JON CRUDDAS recently delivered the inaugural George Lansbury Memorial Lecture at Queen Mary University in Mile End, east London. He called it ‘The Choice before One Nation Labour – to Transact or Transform’. Here is the text. George Lansbury is one of the great figures in the history of the Labour Party, a...
Compass to Consider Change
‘Change: How?’ is the to-the-point title of the 2013 conference of left pressure group Compass, to be held in London on Saturday 30 November....
ILP@120: Ada Salter – Sister of the People
Ada Salter’s ideas and activism transformed social and economic conditions in a poverty-stricken corner of south-east London, and revolutionised local politics. So why has she been written out of Labour history? GRAHAM TAYLOR reveals her remarkable story. Ada Brown was born in 1866 in Raunds, Northamptonshire. Her family were Gladstone Liberals in politics and Wesleyan...
Why My Poppy is White
Remember the war dead, but remember the conscientious objectors too, says ERNIE JACQUES....
New Edition of Land and Freedom
The ILP has published a new expanded edition of its popular Spanish Civil War pamphlet Land and Freedom, including a brief profile of the ILP volunteer Stafford Cottman written by historian and author Christopher Hall....
Orwell’s Complex Commander
Georges Kopp was George Orwell’s commander when he fought with the ILP contingent in the Spanish Civil War. A new biography reveals a brave man of many parts and much mystery, as CHRISTOPHER HALL explains. Anyone who has read Homage to Catalonia, or any major biography on Orwell, will have come across several mentions of...