
Telling the troubled truth?

The idea of a truth process in Northern Ireland is gaining credibility. But it’s not without its problems, as GARY KENT reports. The Irish republican leader Gerry Adams is the latest politician to raise the possibility of a truth commission in Northern Ireland, after a generation of conflict still known euphemistically as “the Troubles”....

Winter 2001

Labour Watch Ann Black describes the underground manoeuvres which damage democracy at the National Policy Forum Still time to change trains Bernard Hughes picks over the origins and entrails of the railway crisis Gone but not forgotten Jean Wood reports on the plight of Kosovan refugees recently sent back to their own country

Autumn 2001

Developing democracy Stephen Yeo argues that cooperative politics can help to address the democratic deficit The ILP and social change Barry Winter outlines the ILP’s perspective and explains why it’s had to change Collective action and the sustainable renewal of Britain Sean Creighton calls for a better understanding of mutual organisations, and argues that...

Impassable impasse?

As the Northern Ireland peace process lurches into another crisis, PAUL DIXON asks, what next? When the IRA announced its ceasefire in September 1994 it was always difficult to see what kind of agreement could be reached between loyalists and republicans. The propaganda war and real (physical) war between unionists and nationalists over the years...

Summer 2002

The challenge of mutuality The ILP’s Weekend School in Scarborough at the beginning of May 2002 brought ILPers and non-ILPers together to discuss the politics of cooperation, mutuality and social enterprise Mutuality and radical politics Sean Creighton traces the historical association of mutual organisations and the labour movement, and questions what the ‘new mutualism’...

Autumn 2002

Behind the Stars and Stripes Gary Kent reports on the fiery arguments that have raged on the US left and right since the attacks last September on New York and Washington The left, the war and the obligations of the oppressed In the wake of September 11th, and opposition to the war on terrorism,...

Spring 2005

This world of ours Eric Preston introduces the ILP’s Weekend of political review Heed their voices Labour MP Harry Barnes on Iraq after the elections Demos and disillusionment Phil Doré on leaving Stop the War for Labour Friends of Iraq Telling it like it is? Matthew Brown on two contrasting tales of new Labour...

Winter 2002/03

It’s the end of the world as we know it Ben Turley reports from Halifax on the BNP’s recent by-election victory Beneath American skies Gary Kent reports on the diversity of opinions he found on a recent trip to the USA A Hill of beans? Barry Winter reviews Anti-Capitalism: The social economy alternative, by...

Summer 2003

New Labour, new Democrats? Gary Kent wonders about a little discussed aspect of Blair’s international intentions Racisms, multiculturalisms and fascisms Barry Winter argues for plural thinking to meet the challenges posed by the far right “Mavis Grimett is out”: The rise of fascism in the north Ben Turley looks at some of the social...

A Hill of beans?

BARRY WINTER reviews Anti-Capitalism: The social economy alternative, by Chris Hill, and considers the role of the social economy in creating change, as well as sustaining socialism. This is an intriguing book. Written and, indeed, published by a former, long-standing member of Militant and, at the time of writing, a member of one of...

Spring 2004

Save the Labour Party Barry Winter reports on the public meeting and AGM of Save the Labour Party, one of a number of initiatives that have emerged to challenge the Labour Party leadership The malaise of powerlessness Michael Meacher MP argues that power is more concentrated now than at any time for a century...

Pushed into enemy hands

One of the sad aspects of Labour’s farcical London mayoral selection contest, argues BERNARD HUGHES, is how the leadership is turning even some of its closest friends into foes. When Glenda Jackson announced on 19 January that she would ballot her constituency party on how she should cast her second vote in the London...