Is Our Democracy Broken?

The state of British democracy and how we can fix it will come under scrutiny at the Dronfield Labour party Discussion Meeting in north-east Derbyshire this Sunday when Vicky Seddon, coordinator of Sheffield for Democracy, will be the main speaker....

More photos from Catalonia

David Connolly and Aurelia Quinto Aznar at the Benjamin Franklin International School. Training at the Lenin Barracks with George Orwell at the back and Staff Cottman three places in front of him. Aurelio Quinto is the officer front left, right hand in pocket. Training at the Lenin Barracks with George Orwell at the back...

The Movement and its Message

BARRY WINTER reviews a new book on the Labour Church, and suggests the much-forgotten movement provides an important guide on how to remake left politics in the modern age. Huddersfield-born Labour leader, Harold Wilson famously declared that the British Labour movement owes more to Methodism than Marxism. While he was right to recognise the religious...

Alfred Martlew and the Richmond 16

ROS BATCHELOR examines the short life and sad death 100 years ago of an early ILPer and World War One CO who paid a heavy price for sticking to his conscience in defiance of military orders. On 11 July 1917, a young man was found drowned in the River Ouse at Bishopthorpe, a village south...

The Progressive Alliance and a War of Position

Is the Progressive Alliance an idea whose time has come? GERRY LAVERY thinks so after reading a new Compass pamphlet on the election initiative. The call for a Progressive Alliance starts from the idea that our electoral system gives the Conservatives a built-in advantage and enables them to govern nationally even though most people do...

Unlocking Gramsci for Challenging Times

In this introduction to a new pamphlet on Antonio Gramsci, BARRY WINTER argues that the Italian thinker’s political insights offer a way forward for the left, and can help it tackle the dominance of ideas and practices that divide and disempower us....