ILP Postcards

Postcards from the ILP’s ‘Coming of Age’ conference and celebration in Bradford on 11 April 1914, 11 years after the organisation was founded in the same city. The illustration declares socialism as ‘the hope of the world’ and is signed by Chairman J Keir Hardie and Secretary Francis Johnson. First issued 2015. Pack of...

The Corbyn Effect

Converting supporters and new members into active campaigners is the challenge for Labour today, but will Momentum help? asks MIKE DAVIS. Democratic socialism is back on the agenda. For the first time in 30 years members and supporters are talking about what socialism means in the 21st century. If the Corbyn leadership can be sustained...

Challenging the Welfare Myths

GERRY LAVERY of Unite Community Leeds reports from a conference in Birmingham set up ‘to challenge the myths around welfare and build a coalition to fight for our safety net’. The well-attended conference on Saturday 31 October was called by Unite Community (Unite the Union’s community wing) and the Public Services and Commercial Services Union...

Labour Together Looks to Unite the Party

The post-Corbyn re-organisation of internal Labour Party forces continued last week with the launch of Labour Together by prominent MPs and council leaders, including Jon Cruddas, Lisa Nandy, Steve Reed, Judith Blake and Nick Forbes. Coming just a fortnight after the formation of Momentum, Labour Together’s founders claim their aim is to “provide a space...

Corbyn Team To Build ‘Momentum’

The team behind Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour Party leader have set up a grassroots network to create “a mass movement for real progressive change” from the energy and enthusiasm generated by his campaign. Described as “the successor entity to the Jeremy Corbyn for Leadership campaign”, Momentum is independent of the party leadership and wants...

Is JC Labour’s New Messiah?

Only time will tell whether Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader is the beginning of the party’s renewal or yet another stage in its decay. It’s a question of head as well as heart, says JONATHAN TIMBERS. Jeremy Corbyn’s overwhelming election vcitory by a new mass Labour Party could be a sign that public discourse...

ILP Statement On The Labour Leadership Election

The Labour leadership debate has posed some fundamental questions about Labour’s future, how it relates to the wider electorate and the purpose of the Party itself. It is vital that these political divisions do not cause irreparable damage to its future....

A Vote for Hope

With only a few days to go before the Labour’s leadership election result is announced, TERRY JACQUES shares his reasons for taking the ‘difficult decision’ to vote for Jeremy Corbyn....