Strongholds of the ILP The ILP had branches across Britain. In some places, it was not only strong but influential. Growth depended heavily on local political and economic conditions, and on the qualities and energies of the people drawn to the “rising sun of socialism”. England & Wales The first strongholds of the ILP...
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
Socialism did not begin with the ILP. But the ILP created a unique blend of socialism. Not only did it achieve independent representation for labour and links with the trade unions, it also worked outside the formal political structures....
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
From the beginning, the ILP accepted women and men as equal members and, as early as 1895, it supported the extension of the vote to both women and men....
Turbulent Times and the Politics of Interdependence
In the 18th century the US produced a Declaration of Independence. Today we need to declare our interdependence, says BARRY WINTER, and this should be a guiding feature of the world we live in....
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
The second of six instalments from The ILP: Past & Present covering ethical socialism, the Labour Party, the women's suffrage movement, and the onset of World War One....
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
Part one of the ILP's history pamphlet, The ILP: Past and Present, written by BARRY WINTER, covering the birth of the organisation and its role in helping to found the Labour Party....
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
It was no coincidence that the ILP’s founding conference was held in Bradford. The city and surrounding textile areas had a strong tradition of radicalism dating back to the early years of the industrial revolution....
The ILP: Past & Present (1993)
Out of these sometimes exciting and sometimes bitter experiences, often ending in defeat, grew the idea that trade union activity was not sufficient to serve working people’s interest. In addition, independent political action was necessary....
Re-writing our History
The ILP is planning to rewrite and update its history publication, The ILP Past and Present, and invites readers to comment online and share their views about the the contents....
Markets, Movements and Morals
BARRY WINTER reviews Tony Judt’s Ill Fares the Land, and finds the late academic’s fascinating account “both right and wrong” in its lament for social democracy. Born in London in 1948, Tony Judt taught at several British and American Universities. At New York University in 1995, he established an institute for the study of European...
Building the Good Society
Ideas, campaigns and coalitions are needed to build the good society. BARRY WINTER reports on this year’s Compass conference. The recent Compass conference exceeded my expectations. Not least because, following the general election, last year’s event felt rather flat and earlier versions of this year’s programme seemed a little uninspiring. Was the formerly successful...
Summer 2011
Remaking our Music Barry Winter introduces the ILP’s new perspective The Politics of the Coalition Matthew Brown reviews the Tory-led government Refounding Labour? Will Brown asseses Labour’s party reform consultation Is Compass losing direction? Matthew Brown looks at Compass’s decision to open up Roma’s last stand Chris Hall recalls the life of a POUM...