Remaking our Music

BARRY WINTER introduces the ILP’s new perspective document, The ILP: Our Politics, arguing that our political morality forms the basis of our critique of capitalism. When you look back at the history of the left in politics, whether in the UK or internationally, you could be forgiven thinking that with its often terrible record,...

Spring 2010

Time for the Tobin tax? Gary Kent argues that the financial crisis makes the case for a transaction tax even more compelling Taking the temperature at Copenhagen William Brown reflects on the disappointing outcome to climate change talks in Copenhagen Lies, hubris and neo-liberalism Barry Winter examines how capitalism went from boom to bust and where it...

Not Just Orwell

Christopher Hall explains what drove him to discover the untold stories of ILP volunteers who fought in the Spanish Civil War In 2006 many new books were published and many events held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. As an historian and researcher on the Spanish Civil...

The ILP: Past and Present

A lively, frank and well-illustrated account of the ILP’s history from its grass-roots origins in the 1890s to the present day; it provides a commentary on the Labour party’s development, including the rise and fall of the Labour left. Price £3.50 This publication is now sold out....

A Socialism for Our Times: The ILP Perspective

In spite of the claims regularly made that capitalism is triumphant, that it is our fate, and that there is no alternative, we seek to demonstrate that we can build a credible socialism for our times. Published in 2003. Price £2.50...

Racism, Communities and the Far Right

Our response to racism and fascism has to be based on genuine forms of democracy and participation, and greater control of our economic life, so we can redistribute resources to those communities living on or near the edge. This is not something that can wait for some ideal future. Published in 2004. Price £2.50...

Co-operatives and Mutuals: The New Challenge

The ability of the British to form mutual associations has been a hallmark of the development of civil society over the last four centuries. Can co-operatives and mutuals herald a new phase of radical politics, or are they part of the re-commondification of welfare? Published in 2005. This publication is now sold out....

Spring 2000

Labour Watch David Connolly wonders what happened to one member one vote Pushed into enemy hands Bernard Hughes on how the leadership is turning even some of its closest friends into foes Impassable impasse? Paul Dixon wonders what next for the Northern Ireland peace process A task of two halves Adam Brown reports on...

Summer 2000

Labour Watch David Connolly ponders the latest example of new Labour-style democracy Republicans and the choreography of peace Paul Dixon wonders how Republican leaders have sold the Good Friday Agreement For Queen and country … and socialism Barry Winter meets working class unionists who tell it like it is Zimbabwe in crisis William Brown...

Winter 2001

Labour Watch Ann Black describes the underground manoeuvres which damage democracy at the National Policy Forum Still time to change trains Bernard Hughes picks over the origins and entrails of the railway crisis Gone but not forgotten Jean Wood reports on the plight of Kosovan refugees recently sent back to their own country

Autumn 2001

Developing democracy Stephen Yeo argues that cooperative politics can help to address the democratic deficit The ILP and social change Barry Winter outlines the ILP’s perspective and explains why it’s had to change Collective action and the sustainable renewal of Britain Sean Creighton calls for a better understanding of mutual organisations, and argues that...

Summer 2002

The challenge of mutuality The ILP’s Weekend School in Scarborough at the beginning of May 2002 brought ILPers and non-ILPers together to discuss the politics of cooperation, mutuality and social enterprise Mutuality and radical politics Sean Creighton traces the historical association of mutual organisations and the labour movement, and questions what the ‘new mutualism’...