Celebrating the History of the Derbyshire Miners

A series of events celebrating the history of the Derbyshire miners are being held in Chesterfield this June, culminating with a ceremony to mark the centenary of the town’s statues of founding miners’ leaders and Labour MPs, James Haslam and William Harvey....

GMB Slams Tory ‘Right to Buy’ Plans

The GMB union has slammed the Conservative Party’s plans to extend the ‘right to buy’ to housing association tenants as creating a “rich harvest” for private landlords at the expense of the nation’s social housing stock....

Chartist Unveils its Anti-Austerity Manifesto

In a period awash with party election manifestoes, the left magazine and campaign group, Chartist, has unveiled its own manifesto for “a properly democratic socialist alternative to austerity”. Chartist’s 2015 manifesto is a revised version of one published by its editorial board in 2007 – “the year before financial capitalism fell in on itself”. “Capitalism...

Labour Calls on Members to ‘Keep It Co-op’

The Labour Party has called on its members to support the Co-operative Party’s ‘Keep it Co-op’ campaign, warning that its historic relationship with the co-op movement is under threat due to Co-operative Group proposals to break the political links....

Democracy, Media and the Miners’ Strike

Past and present struggles for pluralism in the media will be under the spotlight at the Red Shed in Wakefield next month when the Wakefield Socialist History Group hold their next pre-election public meeting in conjunction with the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom....