A series of talks, discussions and conferences to remember those who opposed the First World War will be held in London this autumn, providing an alternative narrative to the official commemorations currently enjoying such a high profile in the media....
People’s NHS March Arrives in London
The People’s March for the NHS will arrive at its destination in London this Saturday, 6 September, when campaigners will be joined by thousands of demonstrators for the final leg from Red Lion Square to Westminster....
New Plaque for Refurbished Clarion House
The country’s oldest surviving Clarion House has been undergoing some much needed renovation work thanks, in part, to the Big Lottery Fund, and the building now has a new plaque to adorn its newly refurbished walls....
Village Socialism in Theory and Practice
PAUL SALVESON argues that today’s open garden schemes put into practice some early ILPers’ theories of village socialism....
WWI: Exhibition Explores War Myths and Realities
An exhibition exploring the myths and realities of World War One opens in the Working Class Movement Library in Salford on Wednesday 6 August....
A Petition for People’s Public Services
We Own It, the anti-privatisation campaign, has launched a public petition calling for a new Public Service Users Bill “to give us a say over our public services, put our needs first and make outsourcing companies transparent and accountable”....
WWI: Making Socialists & Opposing War in Great Yarmouth
MICHAEL WADSWORTH looks at the birth of Great Yarmouth ILP and the small role it played in opposing the First World War in a town renowned for seafaring and the Royal Navy. The intention to form a branch of the ILP in Great Yarmouth was announced at an open air meeting held on Brewers...
Unbalanced Britain: Wealth, Power and Poverty
ILP members and friends gathered at the Circle conference centre in Sheffield at the end of June for the first in a series of one-day workshops on ‘Unbalanced Britain’....
Blue Labour Thinkers Gather in Nottingham
Blue Labour thinkers, supporters and activists met at Nottingham University on 5 July to discuss ‘The Strength of Association: in the Family, Community and Workplace’....
Do Corporations Rule the World?
New World Development Movement director Nick Dearden will present ‘a feast of practical alternatives’ to corporate power when he adddresses a meeting in Sheffield on Thursday, 19 June, asking what happened to democracy?...
New E-book Asks ‘What Happened to Work?’
“The last half century has seen a fundamental shift in attitudes to work,” argues author Rory O’Kelly in a new Chartist ebook examining the new political approach to work and welfare....
Rethinking the Economy
Doreen Massey and Michael Rustin will introduce the latest instalment of the Kilburn Manifesto at the seventh seminar in the series at London’s Marx Memorial Library on Tuesday, 10 June....