The People’s Assembly anti-austerity movement is organising a march to ‘Demand the Alternative’ in London on Saturday 21 June....
A New Timeline for Trade Unions
A new online, interactive source of information about trade unions has been created by Union Insurance, the company that provides policies for union members, working people and their families....
Can Labour Learn to Trust People?
Left of centre think tanks Compass and Progress are joining forces at the end of April to host a discussion on Labour’s approach to public sector reform with Jon Cruddas, coordinator of the party’s policy review process....
Co-op Resource Centre Opens in Sheffield
A new information hub, library and resource centre for the Yorkshire co-operative movement opened its doors in Sheffield last month....
Labour MP Calls for Greater Role for Co-ops
Labour and Co-op Party MP Jim Dobbin this week called for community co-ops to be given a greater role on local enterprise partnerships and better understanding and support the business community....
Labour’s Policy Proposals Published
The Labour Party has published its final set of policy documents for consultation and amendment by CLPs before they are adopted for its ‘One Nation manifesto’ next year. Produced by its National Policy Forum (NPF) following Labour’s policy review process, the eight papers are available on the party’s Your Britain website, and represent its current...
Axing the ILF will be ‘Catastrophic’ for Disabled People
The government’s decision to axe the Independent Living Fund will have ‘catastrophic’ consequences for disabled people, according to the Unite union....
Rally Against Racism
Unite and the TUC are organising a march and rally in London to mark the United Nation’s Anti-racism Day on Saturday 22 March....
WWI: ‘Workers, Stand for Peace’
On 31 July 1914 the ILP’s Keir Hardie and Arthur Henderson signed an ‘Appeal to the British Working Class’ on behalf of the British section of the International Socialist Bureau, which called for them to ‘act promptly and vigorously in the interests of peace’. ‘There is no time to lose,’ they said. ‘Men and women...
Welfare Cuts ‘Leading to Suicide Threats’
Government welfare cuts are driving people to the edge of suicide, claimed the Unite union this week before an MPs’ debate on the impact of welfare reforms on disabled people....
An Economy for Working People
‘Building an economy that works for working people’ is the title of the next seminar in a series looking at the party’s politics and direction hosted by leading Labour MPs close to the One Nation project....
Is Young the New Poor?
The latest instalment of the Kilburn Manifesto, on class and generation under neoliberalism, will be launched at a Soundings seminar in London on Thursday 20 February....