More than 250 ‘citizens’ organisations’ from across 22 European countries have joined forces to oppose two controversial transatlantic trade deals currently being negotiated by the European Union....
Now for the Hard Part
While the No victory in the Scottish referendum was a huge relief to many, the political minefield the campaign left behind means there is much hard work to do before we’ll see any renewal of Labour and the UK left. WILL BROWN reports. The No vote means that we have avoided many problems independence would...
Education, Value and the Art of Living
‘Education, Value and the Art of Living’ is the title of a seminar to be held at St Michael’s Cornhill in the City of London on 14 November featuring Labour peer Maurice Glasman, among other speakers....
Unbalanced Britain: This Sorry State
BARRY WINTER assesses the work of David Marquand and considers what it can offer a left desperately seeking some answer to society’s massive imbalance in power and wealth....
ILP in Devon on BBC Four
The ILP’s role in promoting workers’ rights and pacifism in Devon during World War One is currently featuring in a documentary on BBC4, to be shown again this Friday morning and available on iPlayer....
March to End UK’s Worst Ever Pay Squeeze
The Trades Union Congress is calling on thousands of people to join its three demonstrations this Saturday and rally for an end to poverty wages and a ‘real economic recovery’ that doesn’t favour the rich over ordinary employees. The three marches are being held simultaneously in London, Glasgow and Belfast “to send a message loud...
The Triumph of HOPE
The anti-extremist organisation, HOPE not Hate, has marked its 10th anniversary with a new book that tells the inside story of ‘the campaign that helped defeat the BNP’....
The Democracy of Oaks
A ‘semi-staged, rehearsed reading’ of The Democracy of Oaks, Adrian Drew’s acclaimed play about Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter, will be staged at the Fan Museum in Greenwich on Friday 10 October....
Neoliberalism and International Catastrophes
The eighth seminar in the Kilburn Manifesto series, will be held on Thursday 23 October at the Marx Memorial Library in London....
Salters Play to Perform at Cockpit Theatre
A new play about the pioneering ILPers, Alfred and Ada Salter, will get its first hearing at London’s Cockpit Theatre on Monday 13 October....
Constitutional Conundrums
Labour must deliver on the promises made to Scotland argues HARRY BARNES but difficult and complex constitutional puzzles remain. Labour’s response to the result of the Scottish referendum and to the promise of further devolved powers to Scotland must first of all be to press to deliver what has been promised. Yet we also...
WWI: ILP Oppose the War Drive
In September 1914, ILP representatives refused to follow the Labour Party in heeding the government’s call for a national campaign of recruitment to the armed forces, arguing that they would not “stand by militarists and enemies of labour”. Here, we reproduce a report from the Glasgow Herald of 3 September 1914 of the ILP national...