‘The revolution is dead, long live the revolution’ is the theme of an afternoon seminar in London on Saturday 21 October to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution in 1917....
1917 and the British Labour Movement
A one-day conference to explore the impact of the Russian Revolutions of 1917 on the British Labour and peace movements will be held at the Working Class Movement Library on Saturday 4 November....
The World Transformed
Momentum is promising “the largest fringe event ever” at Labour Party conference in Brighton this month when it hosts a four-day festival called The World Transformed 2017....
The Big Conversation
Local campaign group Sheffield for Democracy is hosting one of many public events in MP Paul Blomfield’s annual Big Conversation....
Prisoners of Conscience
The experiences of Fenner Brockway and Eamonn de Valera in Lincoln Prison during World War One will be discussed at an event on freedom, justice and equality at Lincoln’s Bishop Grosseteste University in September....
What Next for Labour?
‘Labour – Preparing for Power’ is the title of Chartist’s annual open meeting and AGM to be held at the University of Westminster in London on Saturday, 8 July....
Barcelona May Days: 80 Years On
The street-fighting that took place in Barcelona in May 1937 remains one of the most controversial episodes of the Spanish Civil War. Hundreds died as the city was criss-crossed by a labyrinth of barricades....
Commemorating the Leeds Convention of 1917
The 100th anniversary of an historic mass Labour and Socialist Convention held in support of the Russian Revolution at Leeds Coliseum in 1917 will be marked at a one-day event in the same city on 3 June this year. ...
Manchester to Host Co-op Education Conference
A conference on co-operative education in the current period of rapid social change will take place at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Geoffrey Manton Building on 5 and 6 April. ...
Tribute to Claudia Jones at WCML
To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, the Working Class Movement Library is hosting a talk by Marika Sherwood on Claudia Jones, the Trinidad-born communist, feminist, peace activist, orator, journalist and founder of the biggest street festival in Europe....
Unbalanced Britain: Education, Inequality & Labour’s Response
Labour and co-operative responses to the crisis in the education system is the subject of the ILP’s next Unbalanced Britain meeting in Sheffield on Saturday 4 March. With speakers Melissa Benn and Julie Thorpe, the seminar will examine how changes to the education system have increased inequality and widened the gap between the privileged few...
Unbalanced Britain: Benn to put Education in the Spotlight
Education will come under the spotlight at the ILP’s next Unbalanced Britain seminar on 4 March when writer and campaigner Melissa Benn will speak about the Labour Party’s response to the last decade of education reforms....