A full reading of Alison Mead’s play ‘Politic Man’, about pioneering ILPers Alf and Ada Salter, will be staged in Kent on Monday 24 November....
Barnsley Hosts Two Exhibitions on the Miners’ Strike
Two innovative exhibitions are currently showing in the gallery at Barnsley’s Civic Theatre to mark the legacy of the 1984/5 miners’ strike....
WWI: Communities of Resistance
Cyril Pearce will introduce ideas from his forthcoming book on British conscientious objectors in a talk at the Experience Barnsley Museum and Discovery Centre on Saturday 8 November....
Class Gathers to Challenge Inequality
A huge roster of speakers from the Labour and progressive movement has been assembled for a conference on ‘challenging inequalities in wealth and power’ in central London this Saturday....
Education, Value and the Art of Living
‘Education, Value and the Art of Living’ is the title of a seminar to be held at St Michael’s Cornhill in the City of London on 14 November featuring Labour peer Maurice Glasman, among other speakers....
The Democracy of Oaks
A ‘semi-staged, rehearsed reading’ of The Democracy of Oaks, Adrian Drew’s acclaimed play about Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter, will be staged at the Fan Museum in Greenwich on Friday 10 October....
Neoliberalism and International Catastrophes
The eighth seminar in the Kilburn Manifesto series, will be held on Thursday 23 October at the Marx Memorial Library in London....
WWI: Alternative Voices & War Resisters
A series of talks, discussions and conferences to remember those who opposed the First World War will be held in London this autumn, providing an alternative narrative to the official commemorations currently enjoying such a high profile in the media....
People’s NHS March Arrives in London
The People’s March for the NHS will arrive at its destination in London this Saturday, 6 September, when campaigners will be joined by thousands of demonstrators for the final leg from Red Lion Square to Westminster....
WWI: Exhibition Explores War Myths and Realities
An exhibition exploring the myths and realities of World War One opens in the Working Class Movement Library in Salford on Wednesday 6 August....
A Petition for People’s Public Services
We Own It, the anti-privatisation campaign, has launched a public petition calling for a new Public Service Users Bill “to give us a say over our public services, put our needs first and make outsourcing companies transparent and accountable”....
What Role for the State?
Labour policy chief Jon Cruddas will be one of the speakers at a joint Compass and Labour for Democracy meeting on the role of the state to be held at the House of Commons on 21 July....