New World Development Movement director Nick Dearden will present ‘a feast of practical alternatives’ to corporate power when he adddresses a meeting in Sheffield on Thursday, 19 June, asking what happened to democracy?...
Rethinking the Economy
Doreen Massey and Michael Rustin will introduce the latest instalment of the Kilburn Manifesto at the seventh seminar in the series at London’s Marx Memorial Library on Tuesday, 10 June....
People’s Assembly March to Demand the Alternative
The People’s Assembly anti-austerity movement is organising a march to ‘Demand the Alternative’ in London on Saturday 21 June....
From Manchester to Madrid
A collective of Manchester-based artists have organised a special evening of prose, song, poetry and exhibition to tell the story of the city’s unsung heroes and heroines who went to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War....
Can Labour Learn to Trust People?
Left of centre think tanks Compass and Progress are joining forces at the end of April to host a discussion on Labour’s approach to public sector reform with Jon Cruddas, coordinator of the party’s policy review process....
Rally Against Racism
Unite and the TUC are organising a march and rally in London to mark the United Nation’s Anti-racism Day on Saturday 22 March....
An Economy for Working People
‘Building an economy that works for working people’ is the title of the next seminar in a series looking at the party’s politics and direction hosted by leading Labour MPs close to the One Nation project....
Is Young the New Poor?
The latest instalment of the Kilburn Manifesto, on class and generation under neoliberalism, will be launched at a Soundings seminar in London on Thursday 20 February....
Conference to Mark Workers’ Internationalism
A conference to mark two significant anniversaries of workers’ internationalism will be held in Norwich this weekend....
Ralph Miliband and the Left Today
The enduring legacy of Ralph Miliband and his Marxist and democratic ideals will be the focus of discussion at the first Leeds Taking Soundings event of 2014....
Taking Sides in the Spanish Civil War
The role of artists and writers in the Spanish Civil War will be the focus of next year’s Len Crome Memorial conference in Manchester on 1 March....
No Pasaran: From Civil War to Los Indignados
The 75th anniversary of the return of the International Brigade’s British battalion from the Spanish Civil War will be celebrated with two events in east London on Saturday, 7 December....