The NHS and UK media in the time of Covid-19

Media footage of Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak clapping for NHS workers on 26 March has become an iconic image of Britain in the time of Covid-19. But, as HANNAH HAMAD points out, the Tories have been attacking and eroding the NHS with damaging policy reform and legislation for decades....

Coronavirus: On the Ground in Croydon

In the first of a series of despatches from ILPers and friends around the country, SEAN CREIGHTON reports from Croydon where a network of mutual aid groups, willing individuals and the local authority are working hard to support the community....

The Drums of Armageddon

In the words of the author himself, Ian Bullock’s latest work of left-wing history, The Drums of Armageddon, is an unusual book in several ways. First, The Drums of Armageddon covers a very short period …...

Say Thank You to Shopworkers

The Co-operative Party is calling for supporters to sign an online thank you card to those who are working in shops, supermarkets and on the food supply chain during the coronavirus pandemic....

Hard Choices: A Personal View of the Labour Leadership Contest

With voting now closed and the result imminent, DAVID CONNOLLY reflects on the Labour leadership contest and the tough decisions faced by Party members. Whatever the result on Saturday, all of us in the Party need to make this government accountable for its actions and inactions, leaders and foot soldiers alike....