The Causes and Cures of Brexit

“The Brexit vote was the biggest single democratic revolution the UK has experienced in decades,” according to Neal Lawson of Compass, whose new report brings together more than 20 short essays…...

How Corbyn’s Rise Attracted the Young

Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal to young people has dispelled a few myths about their political apathy and disengagement. SAFFRON ROSE reviews a new book that looks at the lives of young people in Britain today and considers why the Labour leader has been such an inspiring figure....

The Origins of Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn’s rise is only the latest in a long line of left-wing ‘corrections’ to a rightward drift in the Labour Party, which date from before it was even founded, argues GRAHAM TAYLOR....

The World Transformed Festival Line-Up

Jeremy Corbyn, Naomi Klein, Owen Jones and Paul Mason just a few of the headline speakers at this year's The World Transformed festival set to run alongside the 2018 Labour Party conference in Liverpool later this month....