The 100th anniversary of an historic Labour and Socialist Convention held in support of the Russian Revolution at Leeds Coliseum in 1917 was marked by a one-day event in the same city on 3 June this year. And now one of the key discussions from that event is available to watch online....
1917: Revolution Then and Now
‘The revolution is dead, long live the revolution’ is the theme of an afternoon seminar in London on Saturday 21 October to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution in 1917....
1917 and the British Labour Movement
A one-day conference to explore the impact of the Russian Revolutions of 1917 on the British Labour and peace movements will be held at the Working Class Movement Library on Saturday 4 November....
Cable Street Anniversary Prompts Call for Support
Hope not Hate have marked the 81st anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street with a call for donations towards its current day efforts to “present a steadfast and united opposition to fascism”. The day on 4 October 1936 when the people of the east end of London united to halt Oswald Mosley and his...
The World Transformed
Momentum is promising “the largest fringe event ever” at Labour Party conference in Brighton this month when it hosts a four-day festival called The World Transformed 2017....
Campaign to Honour Spanish Civil War Heroes
Sculptor Frank Casey is aiming to raise £5,000 through a crowdfunding campaign to cast busts of Spanish Civil War heroes Bob Smillie and John Cornford....
Fear and Hope in a Divided Country
England is both an increasingly tolerant and open society and a more divided place, according to the latest ‘Fear and Hope’ survey published this week by Hope not Hate. In its fourth survey of attitudes to race, faith, belonging and identity since 2011, the anti-extremist campaign group finds that England is more tolerant and open...
Mary Barbour Statue to be Built in Govan
A statue honouring legendary campaigner and pioneering ILPer Mary Barbour will be unveiled later this year in Glasgow where she campaigned for tenants’ rights more than 100 years ago....
The Big Conversation
Local campaign group Sheffield for Democracy is hosting one of many public events in MP Paul Blomfield’s annual Big Conversation....
Alfred Martlew and the Richmond 16
ROS BATCHELOR examines the short life and sad death 100 years ago of an early ILPer and World War One CO who paid a heavy price for sticking to his conscience in defiance of military orders. On 11 July 1917, a young man was found drowned in the River Ouse at Bishopthorpe, a village south...
Prisoners of Conscience
The experiences of Fenner Brockway and Eamonn de Valera in Lincoln Prison during World War One will be discussed at an event on freedom, justice and equality at Lincoln’s Bishop Grosseteste University in September....
What Next for Labour?
‘Labour – Preparing for Power’ is the title of Chartist’s annual open meeting and AGM to be held at the University of Westminster in London on Saturday, 8 July....