While recent rate increases are welcome, the Living Wage Foundation’s voluntary approach to employers is not working, says ERNIE JACQUES....
ILP Profiles: Mary Barbour – Govan’s Local Hero
CATRIONA BURNESS marks the centenary of the Glasgow rent strikes with a narrative account of the life of Mary Barbour, the ILPer who lent her name to the ‘army’ of women who led resistance to profit-hungry property owners 100 years ago. The Remember Mary Barbour Association is campaigning to see a statue raised to Barbour...
Labour Together Looks to Unite the Party
The post-Corbyn re-organisation of internal Labour Party forces continued last week with the launch of Labour Together by prominent MPs and council leaders, including Jon Cruddas, Lisa Nandy, Steve Reed, Judith Blake and Nick Forbes. Coming just a fortnight after the formation of Momentum, Labour Together’s founders claim their aim is to “provide a space...
Hope Not Hate to Launch Voter Registration Drive
Anti-extremist campaigners Hope not Hate are launching a voter registration drive in November to prevent “the biggest single act of disenfranchisement in our history”....
Corbyn Team To Build ‘Momentum’
The team behind Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour Party leader have set up a grassroots network to create “a mass movement for real progressive change” from the energy and enthusiasm generated by his campaign. Described as “the successor entity to the Jeremy Corbyn for Leadership campaign”, Momentum is independent of the party leadership and wants...
Osborne’s ‘Astonishing Attack’ on Working People
Chancellor George Osborne’s attempt to present himself as the champion of labour at the Conservative Party conference has come under attack from TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady after he reiterated his commitment to cutting tax credits for low-paid workers....
What Kind of Region?
A collection of Yorkshire-based organisations are calling for people across the north to come together on 7 November for a half-day “conversation event” to discuss what kind of region they want to live in....
Remembering the Rent Strikes 100 Years On
The life of ILPer Mary Barbour will be centre stage at Glasgow’s Tron Theatre in November when a heralded play about the 1915 rent strikes returns to the city to mark the centenary of that historic struggle....
Labour’s Policy-Making Needs an Overhaul
Former Labour MP Harry Barnes has called for the party’s policy-making process to be overhauled to give all its members and supporters a chance to participate....
Sheffield to Host Next Radical Hope Event
Sheffield Co-operative Party are the latest organisation to team up with Compass for a Radical Hope discussion event following the ILP’s successful conference with Jon Trickett MP, Neal Lawson and Sue Goss and in Leeds on 19 September....
Which Way to Labour’s Radical Future?
Election defeat and Corbyn’s victory framed the discussions at the ILP’s joint conference with Compass last weekend where the prospects of Labour’s renewal and signs of radical hope were uppermost in people’s minds....
Is JC Labour’s New Messiah?
Only time will tell whether Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader is the beginning of the party’s renewal or yet another stage in its decay. It’s a question of head as well as heart, says JONATHAN TIMBERS. Jeremy Corbyn’s overwhelming election vcitory by a new mass Labour Party could be a sign that public discourse...