Labour’s Leadership Election: A Problem Foretold

As Labour’s controversial voter registration process closes and ballot papers for the leadership elections go out, it’s time to indulge in a spot of ‘we told you so’, says WILL BROWN. Despite it being a giant stride in the right direction, major weaknesses have been exposed in Labour’s new electoral system, as reformed by former...

Get Real: Corbyn and the Delusional Left

Unromantic as it may be, without a feasible alternative to capitalism it is capitalism we have to work with, says GARY KENT. At this time, a reformed and civilised capitalism is the best Labour can do, and it is what the public want....

Reading the Past

The pre-war ILP plays a leading role in two new books of contrasting types – one a novel set in north east England, the other a radical ramblers’ guide to the capital. MATTHEW BROWN follows the literary and geographical traces of our past....

Britain’s Post-Election Blues

DOREEN MASSEY and MICHAEL RUSTIN are the founders and guiding lights behind the Kilburn Manifesto, one of the most cogent analyses of neoliberalism and the state of the left. Here they provide a brief reflection on the general election and what it means for the future of social democracy. At the closing of the polls...

Why Mhairi Black is Right

In case anyone missed it, here is a link to “the great maiden speech” made by the SNP MP, Mhairi Black. ERNIE JACQUES is among those who believe Labour should support her call for a parliamentary coalition against the cuts....

‘Blatant’ Union Bill Designed to Damage Labour

The Trade Union Bill published by the Conservative government today (Wednesday 14 July) is designed to damage the Labour Party financially and will poison relations between workers and managers, according to the GMB union. The Bill introduces turnout threshold of 50% for strike ballots, and requires unions in the health, education, fire, transport, water, security...

Labour Campaigners call for ‘Manifestos of Intent’

Labour campaigners are calling on leadership candidates to issue ‘manifestos of intent’ outlining their likely policies and putting their politics on public show for voters’ to consider. HARRY BARNES explains why they are needed and calls for urgent support. ...

Orgreave and the Struggle for Justice

A series of meetings, talks and workshops on trade union struggles for justice are being held at Durham Miners’ Hall in the week leading up to this year's Durham Miners’ Gala on Saturday 11 July....

TUC Attacks Tax Credit Reforms

Trade Union Congress general secretary Frances O’Grady this week attacked the Conservative government for consigning millions of working families to poverty thanks to its proposed welfare reforms....