Blue Labour thinkers, supporters and activists met at Nottingham University on 5 July to discuss ‘The Strength of Association: in the Family, Community and Workplace’....
What Role for the State?
Labour policy chief Jon Cruddas will be one of the speakers at a joint Compass and Labour for Democracy meeting on the role of the state to be held at the House of Commons on 21 July....
Unbalanced Britain: Corporate Power and our Me-Based Culture
Over the past 30 years the New Right, aided and abetted in some respects by New Labour, has introduced changes that have profoundly damaged, not only our economy, but British culture and politics. The result, says BARRY WINTER, is a seriously unbalanced society. We live in an era of what the American philosopher, Michael Sandel,...
Unbalanced Britain – Young People and the Living Wage
The living wage and the future for young people will be the focus of an ILP seminar on Unbalanced Britain in Sheffield next month. The crash of 2008 and its aftermath revealed the self-destructive and self-serving character of neoliberal capitalism. The high and mighty bankers and financiers, and their allies, stood exposed for unleashing an...
An Editor Reflects
MIKE DAVIS became editor of the Labour left publication Chartist 40 years ago. Here he reflects on the very different political world of 1974, how the left has been weakened in the intervening years, and the daunting challenges it faces today. Chartist was a very different political animal when I took over editing in spring...
Do Corporations Rule the World?
New World Development Movement director Nick Dearden will present ‘a feast of practical alternatives’ to corporate power when he adddresses a meeting in Sheffield on Thursday, 19 June, asking what happened to democracy?...
New E-book Asks ‘What Happened to Work?’
“The last half century has seen a fundamental shift in attitudes to work,” argues author Rory O’Kelly in a new Chartist ebook examining the new political approach to work and welfare....
Tony Benn, the Labour Left ‘and all that’
BARRY WINTER reflects on Tony Benn’s personality and politics, interweaving his own memories of the period as he considers the left’s failures in the 1970s and ’80s and the lessons for those seeking progressive change today. Few people in contemporary politics have attracted such public affection as Tony Benn. In spite of years of vilification...
Rethinking the Economy
Doreen Massey and Michael Rustin will introduce the latest instalment of the Kilburn Manifesto at the seventh seminar in the series at London’s Marx Memorial Library on Tuesday, 10 June....
People’s Assembly March to Demand the Alternative
The People’s Assembly anti-austerity movement is organising a march to ‘Demand the Alternative’ in London on Saturday 21 June....
New Website for Leeds Social Changers
A new website has been launched to link groups in Leeds who are working to make the world a better place....
A New Timeline for Trade Unions
A new online, interactive source of information about trade unions has been created by Union Insurance, the company that provides policies for union members, working people and their families....