Labour seems divided over ideology and strategy, between the ‘old’ left and ‘new’. BEN SELLERS traces the history of Labour left groups over the last few years and calls for a new bridge across the generational divide....
The Big Problem with Taking Back Control
Is ‘taking back control’ a useful slogan for the left? BEN SALTONSTALL responds to Barry Winter’s ‘beguiling’ question, one that raised many issues the left should be considering critically in the run-up to the next general election. ...
The Future of Progressive Politics
The world has become an increasingly hostile place for progressives, argues ANDREW GAMBLE. In the face of great challenges, how can it become relevant again and win back support?...
Brexit: Labour’s Deepening Dilemmas
The EU withdrawal agreement revealed by the government this week can only make Labour’s Brexit difficulties worse, says WILL BROWN. The party urgently needs to find some greater clarity…...
The Future of Progressive Politics – Taking Back Control?
Politics professor Andrew Gamble will be the headline speaker at the next ILP day school on ‘the future of progressive politics’ to be held in Sheffield on Saturday 15 December....
The Causes and Cures of Brexit
“The Brexit vote was the biggest single democratic revolution the UK has experienced in decades,” according to Neal Lawson of Compass, whose new report brings together more than 20 short essays…...
How Corbyn’s Rise Attracted the Young
Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal to young people has dispelled a few myths about their political apathy and disengagement. SAFFRON ROSE reviews a new book that looks at the lives of young people in Britain today and considers why the Labour leader has been such an inspiring figure....
The Origins of Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn’s rise is only the latest in a long line of left-wing ‘corrections’ to a rightward drift in the Labour Party, which date from before it was even founded, argues GRAHAM TAYLOR....
Ada Salter Honoured in her Home Town
Until recently, pioneering ILPer Ada Salter was little known in her home town of Raunds. GRAHAM TAYLOR reports on the first event ever to celebrate her legacy in the Northamptonshire town....
Don’t abolish the National Policy Forum – transform it
Labour’s National Policy Forum may be flawed, but it needs to be reformed, not abolished, argues HUGO RADICE....
Accessing the ILP Archives
The ILP archives at the London School of Economics is regarded as a “key heritage collection” by the library’s politics curator, DANIEL PAYNE. It contains a huge variety of fascinating material dating from the organisation’s birth 125 years ago, and covering much of its rich history as a significant force in shaping the outlook...
Transforming Labour’s National Policy Forum
Labour policy-making needs to be more open and democratic, argues HUGO RADICE. And party members need to be fully involved. Could an online College of Labour provide the answer?...