Pioneering south Wales ILPer Minnie Pallister was one of the most important feminists, pacifists, socialists and journalists of the 20th century. But her life and legacy have been largely forgotten in recent decades. Author ALUN BURGE aims to put that right....
Doing Politics Differently
‘Anger is a power,’ The Clash’s Joe Strummer once sang. In politics, however, it needs to be channelled through courteous, comradely and informed debate. CHRIS WILSON calls for a new political culture based on an old Labour tradition....
Labour’s Election & the Left
Labour’s landslide victory is cause for celebration but serious challenges lie ahead for the party, the government and UK politics, says WILL BROWN....
Labour’s Manifesto: Policies & Prospects
If opinion polls are to be believed, Labour is on course for a significant election victory. But what should the left make of its policy offer and its prospects for government? WILL BROWN casts his eye over the party’s pledges....
Israel-Palestine: Making the Space for Peace
Appalled by the continuing violence in Gaza, CHRIS WILSON surveys the progressive forces in Israel and Palestine seeking hope for future progress and reconciliation....
Rethinking the Past, Revising the Future
Colm Murphy’s engaging new book on recent Labour history is an invaluable companion as the party contemplates another return to power, says GARY KENT. ...
The Case for Co-operation
The left needs an economic re-set, a more radical aspiration of empowerment, says CHRIS WILSON. Can co-operatives help put the ‘social’ back into socialism?...
Edward Carpenter & the Future of Freedom
How would society change if no-one needed to work to stay alive? That was the question Edward Carpenter set out to answer almost 130 years ago in an essay titled ‘Transitions to Freedom’. Would it hail a new collectivist phase? And would that then lead to full individual and social liberty?...
A Time of Struggle: Memories of the Miners’ Strike 40 Years On
For KATH CONNOLLY, Robert Gildea’s oral history of the year-long dispute is a much-needed bottom-up record that finally highlights the experiences of those most affected – the miners, their families and their communities....
Back to the Future: Trade Unions in the 21st Century
Despite years of austerity and workplace exploitation, across the economy as a whole most workers are still not trade union members. CHRIS WILSON wonders why and suggests ways to halt the decline....
ILP Profiles: Joe Cragie – The Untold Tale of the Salters’ ‘Chief Citizen’
Joe Cragie was a founder member of Bermondsey ILP, rising from poverty to prominence as leader of the council. He played a crucial role in the socialist successes of Ada and Alfred Salter, but until now has remained hidden from history. GRAHAM TAYLOR uncovers his story....
ILP@130: Special Offer on Past & Present
The ILP’s 130th anniversary year may be drawing to a close but there’s still time to buy our commemorative history pamphlets – The ILP: Past & Present parts 1 and 2 – which tell the inspiring story of an ethical socialist organisation born in the last decades of the 19th century....