Support Grows for Syriza’s New Model Politics

Support for Greece’s new Syriza-led anti-austerity government is growing on the British left with Labour MPs putting their weight behind an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons and an open letter published in today’s Guardian (27 January). According to the Greece Solidarity Campaign, the EDM is already backed by 12 MPs, while the...

Unbalanced Britain: Work, Wages and Labour

Since the crash of 2008 the dominance of corporate elites has remained largely unchanged and unchallenged. Instead we have seen ever-increasing pressure on wages and conditions of work, zero hours contracts and cuts to in-work benefits. The ILP’s second seminar in its Unbalanced Britain series on Saturday 14 March will explore the on-going changes in...

Labour Should Outlaw Zero-Hours Contracts

Labour’s opposition to zero hour contracts is important and welcome, says ERNIE JACQUES. But the Party’s approach is still far too timid. In his speech at Senate House last month, Labour leader Ed Miliband could not have been stronger in his attack on the coalition government’s ‘zero-zero economy’ and the horrific Victorian employment practices exemplified...

We Hold Up Our Pens in Hope not Hate

Yesterday’s terrible events in Paris, when 12 people lost their lives at the offices of the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, have caused outrage and sadness across the world. Earlier today (Thursday), Nick Lowles, from the campaigning organisation, HOPE not hate, released a statement expressing thoughts and sentiments which many of us share, but are struggling...

Call for Action Against Rail Price Rip-off

Campaigning organisation Compass is calling for thousands of people to take action this Monday against the new year hike in rail fares. Rail fare price rises of upto 2.5% were announced on Friday, making an “unbelievable” 27% increase since 2010, according to Compass, which has teamed up with trade unions and grassroots organisations such as...

Uniting the Community

Unite, the largest union in Britain, has come up with an imaginative response to the current austerity crisis by creating a community arm that supports people hard hit by the cuts. GERRY LAVERY reports on how it helps them campaign for change. The aim of Unite Community is to unionise and embrace people “being pushed...

Now for the Hard Part

While the No victory in the Scottish referendum was a huge relief to many, the political minefield the campaign left behind means there is much hard work to do before we’ll see any renewal of Labour and the UK left. WILL BROWN reports. The No vote means that we have avoided many problems independence would...

March to End UK’s Worst Ever Pay Squeeze

The Trades Union Congress is calling on thousands of people to join its three demonstrations this Saturday and rally for an end to poverty wages and a ‘real economic recovery’ that doesn’t favour the rich over ordinary employees. The three marches are being held simultaneously in London, Glasgow and Belfast “to send a message loud...

WWI: Harold Croft and the Northampton Anti-War Campaign

JOHN BUCKELL describes the life and times of Northampton ILPer Harold Croft, who faced prison, hardship and abuse for being a conscientious objector and anti-war activist. On 9 November 1920, at statutory meetings all over England, borough councils elected mayors and aldermen. Almost always these were a formality, the results agreed in advance between the...