One of the founding members of the ILP and a leading suffragist is to be celebrated by a major exhibition and education programme in Nelson next year. The Selina Cooper Project will be launched in 2021 thanks to a £50,000 Heritage Lottery Fund grant raised earlier this year by local volunteers Gary and Kevin Webb....
Eric Preston: A life ‘lived for that better day’
Our dear friend and comrade Eric Preston died on 20 September. He was a driving force in the ILP for 60 years, shaping much of its perspective and political thinking. ILP chair DAVID CONNOLLY gave the eulogy at his funeral on 8 October....
Obituary: Eric Preston 1932-2020
Our friend and comrade Eric Preston, who played a leading role in the ILP for 60 years, has died....
Historic ILP Paper to have Digital Future
One of the ILP’s earliest publications has been digitised and added to the British Newspaper Archive (BNA), according to the Scottish Labour History Society. ...
New Blog to Explore Fenner Brockway’s ‘Extraordinary Life’
The “extraordinary life and career of Fenner Brockway” is due to be explored in a new blog on the long-time ILPer and anti-war campaigner, set up by Paul Simpson of the ‘Lives on the Left’ podcast and Hazel Kent of Bishop Grosseteste University....
The Thriving Paper for Sheffield Co-ops
The need for a co-operative response to the 2019 election result and the Covid-19 pandemic, community solutions to the housing crisis and reflections on the Peterloo massacre are just a few of the issues covered in the latest edition of The Sheffield Co-operator, published this month....
Owning the Future: The Co-op Party’s Plan for a Post-Pandemic Economy
A new report from the Co-operative Party is calling for the post-pandemic economy to be built on equality, community ownership and a spirit of solidarity, rather than a return to division and austerity....
Help Shape Labour’s Policy
Members of the shadow cabinet are holding a series of online policy roundtable discussions to allow party members to feed your ideas and experiences into Labour’s policy programme....
Listen in to New Labour History Podcast
A new podcast series of indepth interviews about leading figures from the history of the Labour movement is now available online, thanks to the efforts of host Paul Simpson, Academic Tutor in History at Sunderland University....
Local Parties Call for Labour to Allow Online Meetings
A number of local Labour Parties are calling on the leadership to allow branches and constituencies to meet online for formal business while in-person meetings are not possible during the coronavirus pandemic....
Co-op Party Issues Annual Call to Preserve Political Link
Co-op Group members are again being urged to preserve the organisation’s historic partnership with the Co-operative Party by voting ‘Yes to Motion 9’ at this month’s annual general meeting....
Coronavirus: No Bailouts for Tax Avoiders, says Co-op Party
The government should not handout lockdown bailouts to companies that avoid paying their fair share of tax, says the Co-operative Party....