Life is Not Beautiful Until it’s Beautiful for Everyone

Sunday 10 September 2023

Costs: As you feel

The Shakespeare, Sheffield S3 8UB

The Red Shed Players of Wakefield have teamed up with Sheffield Unite Community to present “five stories of radical happiness” in a benefit performance at The Shakespeare in Sheffield on Sunday 10 September.

Telling of struggles from the past and present, the stories are intended “to help build a better future” while raising money for the Hadfield Institute Foodbank.

The five 10-15-minute plays will enact the tales of Louise Michel and the Paris Commune; Paul and Joyce Dainton and their 25-year battle against Wakefield’s toxic tip; Jayaben Desai and the Grunwick dispute; Dave Nixon and Insulate Britain; and Emily Carrigan’s Leeds-based Rainbow Junktion.

Entrance is ‘pay as you feel’ and all funds go to the foodbank.

More details from the Red Shed Players.


The Red Shed Players are “a theatre group inspired by the Clarion Movement and the slogan ‘fellowship is all’”. More here.