Re-writing our History

The ILP is planning to rewrite and update its history publication, The ILP Past and Present, and invites readers to comment online and share their views about the the contents....

Cake, choirs and comrades at Clarion House

The origins of the Clarion House at Newchurch, near Burnley, go way back to 1899 when a handful of ILP members rented their first Clarion House in Thorneyholme between Barley and Happy Valley. On 24 July, a brilliantly sunny Sunday afternoon 112 years later, the Clarion House at Jinney Lane and its surrounding countryside...

Celebrating Clarion House

The ILP will make a special presentation to volunteers at Clarion House near Nelson on Saturday 24th July to mark nearly a century of association between the ramblers’ tea shop run by members of the Nelson ILP Land Society and the national ILP. Members of the ILP’s national administrative council will present Clarion volunteers...

Remaking our Music

BARRY WINTER introduces the ILP’s new perspective document, The ILP: Our Politics, arguing that our political morality forms the basis of our critique of capitalism. When you look back at the history of the left in politics, whether in the UK or internationally, you could be forgiven thinking that with its often terrible record,...

A Sustaining Weekend

Around 40 ILP members, friends and fellow travellers gathered in Scarborough on 7/8 May for the organisations’s annual weekend school, where the politics of the ILP, the coalition government and the Labour Party came under scrutiny. “Why have people like us not given up?” asked Barry Winter at the start of two days of...

Towards an ILP Perspective

The ILP: Our Politics is a draft statement from the ILP’s National Administrative Council of the organisation’s perspective in the current political period. It will be presented for discussion and general endorsement at the ILP Weekend School in Scarborough on 7/8 May after which we hope it will form the basis for the ILP’s...

Combating the Coalition, Constructing an Alternative

The 2011 ILP Weekend School Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 May 2011 On the agenda: the politics of the Conservative-led government and the growing opposition to the cuts the challenges facing the Labour leadership rebuilding the party’s internal democracy (we will be discussing the Party’s Refounding Labour review and consultation document) the ILP’s political...

Labour, the coalition and the ILP perspective

The 2011 ILP Weekend School Save the date: 7/8 May 2011 Note the venue: Esplanade Hotel Scarborough Discussion, debate, deliberation. Put the date in your diaries and plan a weekend by the sea. More details to follow, including information on how to book your place. To register your interest email:

Jennie Cuthbert

On 27th August the ILP’s oldest member, Jennie Cuthbert, celebrates her 90th birthday. Jennie joined the ILP in 1942. She was taken to an ILP Summer School in Bangor by her aunt, Anne Hambley. Anne had been a member for many years and the visit to Bangor was a reward for Jennie gaining a...

Three months in Spain

Three months in Spain The British Battalion at Madrigueras and Jarama Saturday 7 August, 2pm People’s History Museum Left Bank Spinningfields Manchester M3 3ER FREE ENTRY Historian Dr. Richard Baxell lectures on the day-to-day experiences of the British and Irish volunteers in The Spanish Civil War, during the early part of 1937. The lecture...