A Petition for People’s Public Services

We Own It, the anti-privatisation campaign, has launched a public petition calling for a new Public Service Users Bill “to give us a say over our public services, put our needs first and make outsourcing companies transparent and accountable”....

An Editor Reflects

MIKE DAVIS became editor of the Labour left publication Chartist 40 years ago. Here he reflects on the very different political world of 1974, how the left has been weakened in the intervening years, and the daunting challenges it faces today. Chartist was a very different political animal when I took over editing in spring...

Do Corporations Rule the World?

New World Development Movement director Nick Dearden will present ‘a feast of practical alternatives’ to corporate power when he adddresses a meeting in Sheffield on Thursday, 19 June, asking what happened to democracy?...

No Short Cuts to a Progressive Scotland

The Yes campaign is winning increasing support among the left. But, says VINCE MILLS, this is based on wishful thinking about Scottish social attitudes and a failure to grasp the real difficulties of radical social and economic change. ...