Our society has been deranged by neoliberal capitalism, says BARRY WINTER. How can the creative, reflective forces of the progressive left begin to counter the huge imbalances in power and wealth?...
Nelson Mandela: Remember the Man and the Struggle
The death of Nelson Mandela in South Africa has rightly led to a flood of tributes from public figures all over the world. But we should remember that change in South Africa was the result of long, hard political struggle....
Unite Calls for Commons Debate on Hunger
The Unite union has joined calls for a parliamentary debate into UK hunger as foodbanks brace themselves to feed 60,000 people this Christmas....
Encompass All, Change Nothing?
‘Change: How?’ was the deliberately open question posed by the recent Compass conference in London. But the event raised another question too – has the organisation changed so much it’s lost its political bearings? MATTHEW BROWN reports. It was nearly three years ago when Compass decided to change. Set up in 2003 to galvanise the...
Miners’ Strike Film-Makers Appeal for Funds
The makers of a new film about the miners’ strike have launched a crowd-funding campaign to help raise money to complete the project in time for next year’s 30th anniversary of the strike....
Veteran Campaigner Hetty Bower Dies
Former ILPer Hetty Bower, the veteran activist and peace campaigner, died earlier this month aged 108, just weeks after appearing on a panel alongside Labour leader Ed Miliband at Labour Party conference....
Two-Thirds Hit by Cost of Living Crisis
David Cameron and George Osborne’s cost of living crisis is strangling households, according to an independent survey showing a drop in disposable income of £129 a month since May this year....
Compass to Consider Change
‘Change: How?’ is the to-the-point title of the 2013 conference of left pressure group Compass, to be held in London on Saturday 30 November....
ILP@120: Ada Salter – Sister of the People
Ada Salter’s ideas and activism transformed social and economic conditions in a poverty-stricken corner of south-east London, and revolutionised local politics. So why has she been written out of Labour history? GRAHAM TAYLOR reveals her remarkable story. Ada Brown was born in 1866 in Raunds, Northamptonshire. Her family were Gladstone Liberals in politics and Wesleyan...
Stick With Co-op, Urges New Campaign
A new campaign is urging existing Co-op Bank customers not to move their accounts from the Co-op in an effort to ensure that the bank sticks to its ethical principles....
Labour’s Anti-Austerity Forum Assembles in London
A new forum for Labour Party members to discuss alternatives to austerity and build support for the People’s Assembly movement will hold its first meeting in London on Saturday 9 November....
Fabians Call for Focus on Inequality
The summer 2013 issue of Fabian Review contains a series of articles which document the increasing rate of inequality in the UK, criticise Blue Labour for taking attention away from inequality, and recommend new approaches for Ed Miliband’s party....