Encompass All, Change Nothing?

‘Change: How?’ was the deliberately open question posed by the recent Compass conference in London. But the event raised another question too – has the organisation changed so much it’s lost its political bearings? MATTHEW BROWN reports. It was nearly three years ago when Compass decided to change. Set up in 2003 to galvanise the...

ILP@120: Ada Salter – Sister of the People

Ada Salter’s ideas and activism transformed social and economic conditions in a poverty-stricken corner of south-east London, and revolutionised local politics. So why has she been written out of Labour history? GRAHAM TAYLOR reveals her remarkable story. Ada Brown was born in 1866 in Raunds, Northamptonshire. Her family were Gladstone Liberals in politics and Wesleyan...

Fabians Call for Focus on Inequality

The summer 2013 issue of Fabian Review contains a series of articles which document the increasing rate of inequality in the UK, criticise Blue Labour for taking attention away from inequality, and recommend new approaches for Ed Miliband’s party....