The public sector strikes back

On a day that saw around two million workers from 29 trade unions take strike action in defence of their pensions, thousands gathered at rallies around the UK on Wednesday 30 November....

ILPer honoured by new northern network

A dozen or so experienced politicos from across the north met at Sowerby Bridge Station one Friday earlier this month to set up ‘The Hannah Mitchell Foundation’, a think tank for northern socialists named after an old ILPer....

Leeds Summat

The Leeds Summat Gathering 2011 is a free, all-day event for people from all walks of life across Leeds and the North....

Young people to lobby Parliament

Hundreds of young people will travel to Westminster on Tuesday 25 October to warn MPs that the youth service will soon be the first public service to fall under the coalition’s austerity axe....

They did not pass

The 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street will be celebrated on Sunday 2 October with a commemorative march and rally, and numerous other events organised by Cable Street 75 and supported by more than 40 organisations....

Fighting Cuts To Legal Aid

As the controversial Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill moved into committee stage this week, HARRY BARNES called for campaigners to defend current legal provisions. “Because the proposed legislation covers a wide area, the issue of the massive cuts in legal aid is in danger of failing to get a full and fair...

Marching for an alternative

The TUC’s anti-cuts protest was a good start, but much remains to be done to turn this widespread opposition into a movement that can really challenge the government. Saturday’s TUC march against government cuts exceeded most expectations in terms of size and the good nature of the protest. Giving a proverbial two fingers to...

Sheffield’s day of rage?

William Brown reports on the protest at the Liberal Democrats spring conference in Sheffield and argues that the anti-cuts movement urgently needs to find leadership and popular appeal....

25,000 demand Cameron stops the ‘Blood Money’

Unite’s campaign to stop the privatisation of the NHS Blood Service has received huge public support which is still growing. In under a week, the union’s petition demanding that David Cameron stops the blood money was signed by 25,000 people (go to to add your name). The petition was launched last Friday 3rd...

Can you spare enough for a round?

The Hope not Hate campaign are asking for support for their next Day of Action on Saturday 19 March. Their recent Fear and HOPE report highlighted that economic insecurity was a key driver in support for right wing parties. As a response the HOPE not hate campaign is organising a day of action on...

Save our NHS

The drastic NHS reforms being pushed through parliament may do long-term damage to a much-loved institution. It isn’t too late to make your voice heard. Sign the petition: About the bill The government’s proposed Health and Social Care BIll represents the most radical change to the NHS is its 60 year history. The...

Big Society ‘fantasy’ turns into ‘nightmare’

The Big Society was a short-term fantasy that turned into an enduring nightmare for thousands of charities, Unite, the largest union in the country, said this week. Unite, which has 60,000 members in the Not for Profit sector, said that David Cameron’s pipedream should be investigated immediately by the Commons Public Administration Select Committee....