MIKE WADSWORTH reports from the Norfolk coast where a region that relies on tourism fears a visitor-sparked second wave of Covid cases if lockdown is eased too much too soon....
Local Parties Call for Labour to Allow Online Meetings
A number of local Labour Parties are calling on the leadership to allow branches and constituencies to meet online for formal business while in-person meetings are not possible during the coronavirus pandemic....
Co-op Party Issues Annual Call to Preserve Political Link
Co-op Group members are again being urged to preserve the organisation’s historic partnership with the Co-operative Party by voting ‘Yes to Motion 9’ at this month’s annual general meeting....
Coronavirus: No Bailouts for Tax Avoiders, says Co-op Party
The government should not handout lockdown bailouts to companies that avoid paying their fair share of tax, says the Co-operative Party....
Coronavirus: Community & Solidarity in County Durham
MARY STRATFORD reports from the north east where the spirit of ’84 has stirred local communities and Labour members into building support groups and solidarity networks in response to the Covid crisis....
Coronavirus: Calderdale Under Lockdown
In the third in our series on local responses to Covid-19, ANNE-MARIE GRAHAM reports from West Yorkshire where community groups are adapting fast to meet the needs of vulnerable people....
Coronavirus: Dronfield Still Blathering Despite the Lockdown
HARRY BARNES reports from North Derbyshire, where the area’s former Labour MP is doing his bit to remain politically active in the face of Covid-19....
Coronavirus: Hope not Hate warn of far-right risk
Hope not hate have warned that the rapid social changes wrought by the coronavirus crisis risk creating conditions ripe for a rise in far-right politics....
Coronavirus: On the Ground in Croydon
In the first of a series of despatches from ILPers and friends around the country, SEAN CREIGHTON reports from Croydon where a network of mutual aid groups, willing individuals and the local authority are working hard to support the community....
‘Stay in the Party’ urges new Labour Left Network
A new grassroots network of Labour left groups has urged socialists not to leave the Party but to stay and help re-unite the left following December’s general election defeat and Keir Starmer’s rise to the Labour leadership....
Say Thank You to Shopworkers
The Co-operative Party is calling for supporters to sign an online thank you card to those who are working in shops, supermarkets and on the food supply chain during the coronavirus pandemic....
Hard Choices: A Personal View of the Labour Leadership Contest
With voting now closed and the result imminent, DAVID CONNOLLY reflects on the Labour leadership contest and the tough decisions faced by Party members. Whatever the result on Saturday, all of us in the Party need to make this government accountable for its actions and inactions, leaders and foot soldiers alike....