Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has promised to put “21st century public ownership” at the heart of a radically new economy if his party wins power at the next general election....
Labour to Look at Alternative Ownership Models
A report on Alternative Models of Ownership will be discussed by the Labour Party at a conference in central London on Saturday 10 February....
Sheffield Co-op Paper Marks Party Centenary
Members of the Sheffield Co-operative Party have published a special commemorative edition of the party’s old monthly newspaper to mark the national Co-op Party’s 100th anniversary this year....
Co-op Members to Vote on Political Link – Again!
Co-op members are once again being asked to vote on the Group’s political link to the Co-operative Party, established by the movement exactly 100 years ago....
Manchester to Host Co-op Education Conference
A conference on co-operative education in the current period of rapid social change will take place at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Geoffrey Manton Building on 5 and 6 April. ...
Back to the Future: Re-balancing Education
Every government since New Labour has made education its top priority yet inequality still runs through the system from top to bottom. So why have they failed and how can Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party win support for a return to the principles and values of the comprehensive system? That was the question raised by...
A Visit to Glen Cottage
STEVE THOMPSON visited a Lancashire youth hostel this summer and found a memorial to one of the ILP’s founders and pioneers that is now fighting to survive. For a long time I have intended to get to know more about Lancashire, so in June this year I looked up a youth hostel in the county...
How the Co-op Lost its Purpose
Without its history, its politics and its connection to the wider movement, the Co-operative Group is just like any other supermarket chain, says STEVE THOMPSON....
Keep It Co-op – Again!
The Keep It Co-op campaign has been re-launched just a year after winning a resounding victory in a vote to retain the historic link between the Co-operative Group and the Co-operative party....
Yorkshire Co-op Centre Launches New Website
Principle 5, Sheffield’s co-operative resource centre, has launched a new website to promote its collection of books, articles and periodicals about all aspects of the co-operative movement....
Sheffield to Host Next Radical Hope Event
Sheffield Co-operative Party are the latest organisation to team up with Compass for a Radical Hope discussion event following the ILP’s successful conference with Jon Trickett MP, Neal Lawson and Sue Goss and in Leeds on 19 September....
The Party, the Politics, the Movement
The relationship between the Co-operative Party and the wider co-op movement will at the centre of debate at this year’s Co-operative Party conference in London on Saturday 19 September....