Community Rail Book to Launch in York

Paul Salveson’s new book calling for local communities to have a greater say in their railways and for Britain’s transport system to be remodelled on a not-for-profit basis will be launched in York on 29 October....

End of the Party?

PAUL SALVESON ponders the future of party politics and sees instead a future dominated by regionalist movements and single-issue campaigns....

New Online Directory for Sheffield Co-ops

An IT co-operative in Sheffield has set up a new online directory and forum for all co-operative organisations in the city. Developed by Webarchitects (Webarch Co-operative Limited), the site will become a directory, networking and news service for community co-operatives in Sheffield....

ILP@120: Anna Turley to address ILP Weekend School

Prospective Parliamentary candidate Anna Turley will address the ILP’s annual gathering of members and friends at Scarborough’s Esplanade Hotel this weekend. Turley will speak on emerging co-operative alternatives to public sector privatisation as part of a two-day programme of political discussions entitled ‘Ethical Socialism, Capitalism and the State’....

Handle with Care

The Co-operative Party is increasingly enthusiastic about co-operative councils. But it lacks a coherent philosophy and rationale for its position. We need to be cautious, argues JOHN HALSTEAD. ...

Case Studies of Co-operative Schools

Enforced academisation is not the only way to transform attainment. Co-operative schools raise attainment from within, rather than through the government’s preferred options of involving charities, businesses and for-profit providers. Meanwhile, the co-operative multi-trust model, where a number of schools team up to form a co-operative trust and share resources and expertise, is becoming...