Crisis and a new economy

The present crisis shows that our economic model needs a radical re-design, according to Tim Jenkins of the New Economics Foundation, guest speaker at the latest 'Dialogues in Politics and Culture' event organised by the Leeds Taking Soundings group....

Summat’s going on in Leeds

Ed Carlisle is a project manager with Leeds-based charity Together for Peace and one of the organisers of the Leeds Summat Gathering which took place in November last year – strapline ‘Get Connected, Be Inspired, Join in Action for Change’. He talked to BARRY WINTER about the aims and objectives of the initiative, the American...

Taking the temperature of Copenhagen’s climate

WILL BROWN reflects on the disappointing outcome to the climate change talks in Copenhagen The USA can’t commit to meaningful cuts in carbon emissions; China and other developing countries refuse to budge before industrialised countries have addressed their historic legacy of pollution; the small island, least developed and African nations insist on the need...