Towards an ILP Perspective

The ILP: Our Politics is a draft statement from the ILP’s National Administrative Council of the organisation’s perspective in the current political period. It will be presented for discussion and general endorsement at the ILP Weekend School in Scarborough on 7/8 May after which we hope it will form the basis for the ILP’s...

Towards an ILP Perspective

The following is a statement – ‘a modest perspective’ – prepared by the ILP’s National Administrative Council for discussion at the 2010 ILP Weekend Seminar, ‘After the Election, What Next for the Left?’, to be held in Scarborough on 5-6 June. We hope it will stimulate comment and debate here on the website, at...

After the election, what next for the left?

What will the election mean for the left? Where will it leave the Labour Party? How should the ILP respond? Whatever the results we will want to talk about it. If you do too, come to the ILP’s 2010 Round Table Seminar in Scarborough on 5/6 June. Admission is free and accommodation is available...

Lies, hubris and neo-liberalism

Barry Winter examines how capitalism went from boom to bust and where it leaves us Introduction I begin this introduction with what may seem like a diversion. I want to take us briefly back to the horrors of the First World War in which often enthusiastic, armies of young men across Europe were sent...

Crunch Times

“There is a sense of uncertainty and flux, a feeling that we’re coming to the end of an era in politics. It’s one that we’ve never much liked, yet we know what’s coming could be so much worse.” With those unsettling words David Connolly, chair of Independent Labour Publications, opened the ILP’s weekend seminar...

ILP Weekend 2009

—- Crunch Times: Politics And The Crisis   “You can only be flabbergasted … at how Labour kowtowed to wealth, glorified the City and put all the nation’s economic eggs into one dangerous basket.” Polly Toynbee, The Guardian   ILP Round Table Seminar  Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough  13th-14th June 2009 Saturday   13th June   2.00 pm start...

ILP Weekend

  Crunch Times: Politics And The Crisis   ILP Round Table Seminar  Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough  13th-14th June 2009 Saturday   13th June   2.00 – 5.00pm Sunday     14th June   9.30am – 12.30pm   Session 1: The economic crisis • What just happened?  • What does it tell us about capitalism? Session 2: The mess we’re in...

This world of ours

ERIC PRESTON introduces the themes of the ILP’s forthcoming weekend of discussion and political review ‘Many of us are, I believe, confused by the world we have created for ourselves in the west. We are confused by the consequences of capitalism, whose contribution to well-being cannot be questioned, but which divides rich from poor,...

Cook’s report

The ILP’s ‘Conversation of the left’ was held in Leeds on 8 May 2004. Martin Cook reports. This meeting was a deliberately low key ‘conversation’ with no big name speakers and a set of themes on the future of the left and our attitude to the Labour Party. The organisers seemed a bit disappointed...