The World Development Movement will have a new name next year when it is relaunched as Global Justice Now following a vote of the organisation’s members last month....
Podemos: A New Way of Politics?
The sudden rise on the Spanish political scene of Podemos, a radical political party based on the indignados 15M movement, will be the subject of discussion at the next Taking Soundings meeting in Leeds on Wednesday 26 November....
EU Citizens Combine to Oppose Corporate Trade Deals
More than 250 ‘citizens’ organisations’ from across 22 European countries have joined forces to oppose two controversial transatlantic trade deals currently being negotiated by the European Union....
Neoliberalism and International Catastrophes
The eighth seminar in the Kilburn Manifesto series, will be held on Thursday 23 October at the Marx Memorial Library in London....
WWI: Alternative Voices & War Resisters
A series of talks, discussions and conferences to remember those who opposed the First World War will be held in London this autumn, providing an alternative narrative to the official commemorations currently enjoying such a high profile in the media....
WWI: Exhibition Explores War Myths and Realities
An exhibition exploring the myths and realities of World War One opens in the Working Class Movement Library in Salford on Wednesday 6 August....
Lest we Forget
Priyamvada Gopal’s article on the resistance to the First World War (Honour those who fought – and those who would not, 28 February) provides an excellent and much needed rebalancing of the debate about the war. She rightly argues that those who opposed the conflict also deserve remembering. Not least the sacrifices that many...
WWI: ‘Workers, Stand for Peace’
On 31 July 1914 the ILP’s Keir Hardie and Arthur Henderson signed an ‘Appeal to the British Working Class’ on behalf of the British section of the International Socialist Bureau, which called for them to ‘act promptly and vigorously in the interests of peace’. ‘There is no time to lose,’ they said. ‘Men and women...
WWI: The ILP and the ‘Great’ War
The ILP played a major role in the anti-war and no conscription movements during the First World War. Many were gaoled, and many abused for their principled, political opposition to the conflict. Yet, not all ILPers became conscientious objectors, as IAN BULLOCK explains....
WWI: ‘Don’t Forget the COs,’ say Peace Groups
A group of peace organisations have called for the courage and commitment of conscientious objectors and peace activists to be “given proper attention” during this year’s First World War centenary commemorations....
WWI: Remember Those Who Refused to Fight
‘We have a duty to educate future generations about the First World War,’ declared David Cameron, announcing centenary commemorations of the war’s outbreak in 1914. We have a duty to remember the whole story, argues OWEN ADAMS, including those who opposed the conflict. ...
Taking Sides in the Spanish Civil War
The role of artists and writers in the Spanish Civil War will be the focus of next year’s Len Crome Memorial conference in Manchester on 1 March....