Don’t Let Them Drown

The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group is calling for people to join them on a demonstration in Sheffield against government policy on refugees and asylum seekers....

Greece Must Not Stand Alone

Support for the new Greek government is vital and in Labour’s interests, argues MIKE DAVIS. Hope, dignity, bread could summarise the slogans of the newly elected Syriza party in Greece. It has been an historic victory, the first radical left party to be democratically elected in Europe since the Second World war. Expectations of the...

Greece Solidarity Model Resolution

We welcome the formation of the new Syriza government in Greece that places people at the heart of its programme of change. We note the crippling bail-out package imposed through the EU/IMF Memorandum has created enormous hardship. As well as damaging society these policies have failed to reboot the Greek economy. The public debt...

Support Grows for Syriza’s New Model Politics

Support for Greece’s new Syriza-led anti-austerity government is growing on the British left with Labour MPs putting their weight behind an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons and an open letter published in today’s Guardian (27 January). According to the Greece Solidarity Campaign, the EDM is already backed by 12 MPs, while the...

We Hold Up Our Pens in Hope not Hate

Yesterday’s terrible events in Paris, when 12 people lost their lives at the offices of the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, have caused outrage and sadness across the world. Earlier today (Thursday), Nick Lowles, from the campaigning organisation, HOPE not hate, released a statement expressing thoughts and sentiments which many of us share, but are struggling...

Where is the Left’s Anger over Isis?

Angst over the invasion of Iraq in 2003 shouldn’t prevent the left offering real solidarity to Iraqi Kurds in 2014, argues GARY KENT. The Kurds have long been a cause celebre for the international left. Iraqi Kurds were victims of genocide and all Kurds in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria were denied basic rights. Support...

Podemos: A New Way of Politics?

The sudden rise on the Spanish political scene of Podemos, a radical political party based on the indignados 15M movement, will be the subject of discussion at the next Taking Soundings meeting in Leeds on Wednesday 26 November....