MARIA GOULDING reviews Samantha Harvey’s prize winning Orbital, a novel that casts a distant eye on humanity’s smash and grab impact on planet Earth, a book of rare lyrical beauty and profound sadness that may just be what we need in these turbulent times. ‘They come to see the politics of want. The politics of...
A Novel Account of the Left’s Long Struggle
MATTHEW BROWN reviews two recent books on the early Labour movement – a hefty historical novel focused on the ILP; and a slim pamphlet on the 1924 government....
Faith, Politics & Belonging
CHRIS WILSON reviews a new collection of essays that aims to put Christianity at the heart of left politics, but fails to offer a coherent vision of a democratic socialist future....
Radicals Remembered: Sheffield History from Below
The Sheffield-based co-operative resource centre, Principle 5, has published the sixth title in its series of pamphlets unearthing forgotten writings, writers and radical groups from the South Yorkshire city and its surroundings....
Doing Politics Differently
‘Anger is a power,’ The Clash’s Joe Strummer once sang. In politics, however, it needs to be channelled through courteous, comradely and informed debate. CHRIS WILSON calls for a new political culture based on an old Labour tradition....
Rethinking the Past, Revising the Future
Colm Murphy’s engaging new book on recent Labour history is an invaluable companion as the party contemplates another return to power, says GARY KENT. ...
Keir Hardie & the Sacred Cause
A new book on the ILP’s founder and first leader explores the religious underpinnings of his socialist faith. It contains important lessons for the left today, says CHRIS WILSON....
‘A Century of Labour’: Party, Power & Promise
Labour MP Jon Cruddas has written a sweeping history of the party over the last 100 years, assessing its record, its leaders and the ideas that underpin it. IAN BULLOCK follows the ups and downs....
The ILP: Past & Present – centenary edition
First published in 1993, the original edition of Barry Winter’s pamphlet provides a lively, frank and well-illustrated account of the ILP’s history – from its grass-roots origins in the 1890s to its role in the 1990s as a principled left pressure group within the Labour Party. Although it’s now sold out, you can still...
ILP@130: Special Offer on Past & Present
The ILP’s 130th anniversary year may be drawing to a close but there’s still time to buy our commemorative history pamphlets – The ILP: Past & Present parts 1 and 2 – which tell the inspiring story of an ethical socialist organisation born in the last decades of the 19th century....
ILP@130: Past & Present Part 2 – Out Now
The second part of a new updated version of The ILP: Past & Present has been published to mark the 130th anniversary of the organisation’s founding in January 1893. This brief history, first printed 30 years ago to coincide with our centenary celebrations, has been revised and brought fully up to date in a...
ILP@130: Past & Present Renewed
The ILP has published a revised edition of Barry Winter’s ‘The ILP: Past & Present’ to mark the 130th anniversary of the organisation’s founding in January 1893. This brief history, first printed 30 years ago to coincide with our centenary celebrations, has been updated and enhanced with new photographs and a new full-colour format....