A number of local Labour Parties are calling on the leadership to allow branches and constituencies to meet online for formal business while in-person meetings are not possible during the coronavirus pandemic....
Coronavirus: Street Level Aid Breaks Barriers in Hackney
MATTHEW BROWN reports from east London where Labour members have developed a ‘hyper local’ model of mutual aid that could help reconnect the Party with its communities....
Beyond the Boundaries
In his new book, the shadow justice minister and MP for Tottenham claims we need to reach across society’s tribal lines to create inclusive and dynamic communities. BARRY WINTER reviews David Lammy’s Tribes....
Coronavirus: ‘Sheer Goodness’ Shines Through in Beverley
STEPHEN DEAS reports from East Yorkshire where an outbreak of neighbourliness and co-operation are helping the market town of Beverley endure the lockdown. ‘There are lessons for all in this, including socialists.’...
Making Socialists in Great Yarmouth
East Anglia is hardly known as a bedrock of the early ILP. But as MIKE WADSWORTH illustrates in his portrait of the Great Yarmouth branch before the First World War, local ILPers were as committed and passionate in their socialism as any of the organisation’s more famous figures....
Coronavirus: Tackling Domestic Abuse During Lockdown
There has been a worrying growth in domestic abuse during the Covid-19 lockdown. The government’s response has been poor, says MARY HULL, but Labour has an important role to play....
Coronavirus: Community & Solidarity in County Durham
MARY STRATFORD reports from the north east where the spirit of ’84 has stirred local communities and Labour members into building support groups and solidarity networks in response to the Covid crisis....
Why the Left Should be Starmer’s Critical Friends
Keir Starmer has committed to promoting pluralism within the Labour Party. DAVID CONNOLLY argues that the left should give Labour’s new leader a fair chance to prove himself....
Coronavirus: Dronfield Still Blathering Despite the Lockdown
HARRY BARNES reports from North Derbyshire, where the area’s former Labour MP is doing his bit to remain politically active in the face of Covid-19....
‘Stay in the Party’ urges new Labour Left Network
A new grassroots network of Labour left groups has urged socialists not to leave the Party but to stay and help re-unite the left following December’s general election defeat and Keir Starmer’s rise to the Labour leadership....
Hard Choices: A Personal View of the Labour Leadership Contest
With voting now closed and the result imminent, DAVID CONNOLLY reflects on the Labour leadership contest and the tough decisions faced by Party members. Whatever the result on Saturday, all of us in the Party need to make this government accountable for its actions and inactions, leaders and foot soldiers alike....
A Glittering Forest of Christmas Trees
For some, Labour’s 2019 manifesto remains totemic, a badge of faith that all leadership candidates must swear allegiance to. For JONATHAN TIMBERS, however, it is one of the main reason’s for Labour’s defeat....