“What has happened is that the protests against globalisation, capital and free markets by the disadvantaged has been captured by the right, in the absence of effective resistance from the left.” So writes Mike Rustin in one of the more coherent analyses of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union on 23 June....
Labour in Crisis: A Statement from the ILP
The Labour Party is in mortal danger and the post-referendum crisis that now engulfs it genuinely threatens its very existence as a viable force in British politics....
Brexit: Organising for Dangerous Times
“I am truly worried about our country. We are living in dangerous times.” So says Nick Lowles of Hope not Hate as reports arrive of a rise in racist and xenophic attacks across the country in the wake of last Thursday’s Brexit vote. “The decision to leave the EU has been quickly followed by a...
Brexit: The Left Responds
‘We still believe in each other’ is the message from Hope not Hate, just one of a number of left wing groups and organisations who have responded to the European Union referendum result. The United Kingdom voted by 52% to 48% to leave the EU at the polls yesterday, triggering Prime Minister David Cameron to...
EU: Why the left should vote Leave
Comment posted by Ernie Jacques (15 June 2016): LABOUR – KING CANUTE PARTY So the Labour establishment wants to build a fair, democratic and inclusive European Union. Well, good luck with that one! But in truth they have about as much chance of democratizing the European Union and reforming its overarching corruption and neoliberal...
Corbyn’s Labour to Come Under Chartist Scrutiny
The future of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn will be one of the main topics of discussion at Chartist’s 2016 annual general meeting at Westminster University on 9 July....
The Crisis of Social Democracy
The future of social democracy comes under scrutiny in a new publication from Compass chair Neal Lawson who argues that the Labour Party needs to undergo radical change if it is to remain relevant in the 21st century....
Ada Salter and the Origins of Ethical Socialism
In writing his lauded biography of ILPer Ada Salter, GRAHAM TAYLOR began to wonder about the ILP’s ethical socialism. In a recent lecture to the Socialist History Society, he traced the history of those ideas and values which the Salters epitomised through their lives in south east London. I must start with a confession. When...
Chartist Publish EU-In Supplement
Labour left magazine Chartist has published a special supplement to its May/June issue on the European Union referendum which puts the left-wing case for voting in....
Labour’s Nuclear Question
Can Labour find a way to bridge its divisions over Trident? Or will a policy to scrap the nuclear warheads strike a final nail into the party’s electoral coffin? BARRY WINTER calls for a national debate and a Labour-led referendum on the issue....
Talking Labour History
Paul Preston and Jane Martin will be the key speakers at the Labour Heritage annual general meeting on 21 May when discussions will focus on the Spanish Civil War and the education reformist and socialist, Caroline Benn....
Hunting for the Real Keir Hardie
We should remember ‘diverse Keir Hardies’, argues DAVID HOWELL, versions of the ILP founder that stretch beyond the simplicities of socialist canonisation and patronising dismissal, but never attain the dubious establishment honour of ‘national treasure’....